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This situation due to an infection virus (diseases) that affects the central nervous system. The virus is excreted in the fasces of an infected person, thus the disease is very common where there is extremely poor sanitation. But breakout of disease in epidemic form often occurs even where there are hygienic conditions, where people have not been immunized against the disease during infancy. Symptoms commence 7-12 days after infection but, in majority of cases paralysis may not occur. There should be no degree of confusion as to the type of paralysis which explained as follows:

Abortive Poliomyelitis

Only intestines and throat are infected and general symptoms are influenza or stomach upset.

Non-paralytic Poliomyelitis

In this type, symptoms are accompanied by stiffness of muscles—in particular, muscles of neck and back.

Paralytic Poliomyelitis

It is not very common.

Bulbar Palsy

Here breathing is affected due to involvement of muscles of respiratory system.
Symptoms of milder form of disease are followed by weakness and ultimately paralysis of the muscles. Best form of treatment is by giving Polio drops to the infant in earlier months. Once the infection sets in, the symptoms cannot be treated or reversed expect by resorting to supportive methods.


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