Useful Biochemic Combinations

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Useful Biochemic Combinations

There are 28 combination compounds of biochemic remedies which are detailed hereunder with main symptoms for which each one should be used. These combinations are numerically numbered.

Before purchasing any biochemic combination, make sure that only products of standard homoeo companies are purchased (e.g. WSI, SBL, Ralson, Baksons, Bioforce etc.)

Biochemic Compounds

Number-1 Anaemia
Number-2 Asthma
Number-3 Colic
Number-4 Constipation
Number-5 Coryza
Number-6 Cough, Cold and Catarrh
Number-7 Diabetes
Number-8 Diarrhoea
Number-9 Dysentery
Number-10 Enlarged Tonsils
Number-11 Fever
Number-12 Headache
Number-13 Leucorrhoea
Number-14 Measles
Number-15 Menstruation Troubles
Number-16 Nervous Exhaustion
Number-17 Piles
Number-18 Pyorrhoea
Number-19 Rheumatism
Number-20 Skin Diseases
Number-21 Teething Troubles of Children
Number-2 2 Scrofula
Number-23 Toothache
Number-24 Tonic for Nerves and Brain
Number-25 Acidity, Flatulence and Indigestion
Number-26 Easy Delivery/Parturition
Number-27 Lack of Vitality
Number-28 General Tonic

Dosage for children and adults have been mentioned on each combination but in emergent situations like cholera, diarrhoea, colic, flatulence, fever etc. dosage may be repeated with greater frequency but quantity of dose will, however, remain the same. In case of any confusion or difficulty consult a Homoeopathic physician.

Biochemic Combination No. 21 (Teething Troubles)
This is the mostly used Biochemic Combination

These tablets help to build up general health of the baby and also keep him free from most of the health problems which normally occur during dentition period. It is a combination of Ferrum Phos and Calcarea Phos which in combined form, proves more effective and efficacious due to addition of Ferrum Phos. Mothers generally prefer to use Calcarea Phos but, in our view, this combination should be preferred in comparison to single use of Calcarea Phos. These tablets can be used regularly, from the anticipated time of cutting teeth until your child can be relieved from the agony of dentition problems.



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