Weight of a Child

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Weight of a child decreases after birth but again starts increasing after 10-20 days, when weight again measures up to original weight(what was actual at the time of birth). A child gains about 28 grams (about one ounce) per day during the first three months. As a general rule, a child’s weight almost doubles between 5-6 months, but at the end of one year his weight is thrice the weight which was actually at his birth time. Weight gain is faster and quicker in male children than the female children. Weight of each child should be measured after every fortnight during the first 3 months and thereafter once in each month. Growth pattern and weight gain/loss depends on many mental, physical factors which vary from one child to another. Following table will give an average of weight.

5% weight, when compared to the above table, should be taken as normal but any deviation, on higher or lower side should also not cause any anxiety. If a child is quite active, and is also mentally sound and alert and has no physical problem, there should be no cause for undue anxiety, as growth pattern differs in each child. Some healthy-looking children have been seen to be less mentally alert and vice versa. But a close watch needs to be kept on sudden weight loss or gain. If there are abnormal growths, consult your doctor and follow his advice.


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