Baby cry and sleep 3

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Prematurely born babies have unsettled sleep patterns compared to normal term babies and can take longer for them to adopt sleep patterns which are satisfactory to parents. You can indicate to your child when she should go to sleep but it is impossible to make him sleep unless he wants so.

Tiredness and fatigue can build up to a situation of continued over-tiredness. All parents at some time experience the overtired baby who cannot be cuddled, who screams, who wont be soothed and wont feed. Tiredness can also be important in producing a colicky baby who cries continuously.

The 9 month year old baby sleeps only one hour a day may be too over tired to stop her perpetual motion, which can become controllable.

Constant crying and sleeplessness could also be caused by a physical disorder. Discomfort or pain can be caused by a wet nappy, an open pin or wind. Wind occurs because the baby swallows air as she feeds. Burping can help bring the wind up. This can be done by holding the baby with her head on your shoulder and gently rubbing the back.

Babies also cry when they don’t conserve heat well and may be cold. The over-anxious mother who goes into the baby’s room constantly to see if she is all right is disturbing her sleep. The baby is almost always aware of the mother’s presence and may wake up and be unable to go back to sleep.

Night waking can begin again after 6 months with teething or no obvious reason. Parents can often pat the child back to mobility, will wake at night with talking and singing but this only becomes a problem if the parents join the baby and she expects them to come when she calls. Disturbed sleep patterns can also be induced by the new surroundings of holidays or by the anxiety of a maternal separation.

If your baby wakes frequently, let her cry it out so she learns night time is for sleeping. This does not apply to babies who are not mobile and it does not work for those parents who can’t stand to hear their infants screaming.


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